Your hearing won’t be just gone one day when you wake up. Hearing loss, especially when it’s caused by aging, generally progresses in degrees. You might not recognize it’s happening immediately but some signs do appear earlier. These early developing symptoms progress very discreetly. Identifying them sooner is essential to delay the development of hearing […]
You Know when you’re viewing an action movie and the hero has a loud explosion close by and their ears begin to ring? Well, guess what: that likely means our hero sustained at least a mild traumatic brain injury! Obviously, action movies don’t highlight the brain injury part. But that high-pitched ringing is something known […]
TikTok has some really awesome videos you’ve most likely watched. Babies hearing their mother’s voices for the first time after being fitted for a hearing aid. Sometimes, at first, the baby is resistant. They fight when the doctor tries to place the device in their ear. They could cry before they smile with joy. They’re […]
Pizza is an interesting thing. You can switch up the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses concerned, but as long as it meets a few basic criteria, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is similar. Symptoms and manifestations are caused by many different issues – loud noises, genetics, age, ear blockages – but as long as […]
Have you ever woken up after a night’s sleep and heard birds singing a wonderful song through your open window? Most individuals probably don’t even know that those bird songs are called the “dawn chorus”. For whatever reason, birds see the sun rising and decide to start singing their favorite songs. Each species has its […]
A car isn’t really an impulse buy (unless you’re really wealthy). Which means you will most likely do a great deal of research first. You look at reviews, you compare prices, and you consider gas mileage. Google is your best friend these days. It is sensible to do this amount of research. You’re about to […]
Some activities are just staples of summertime: Air shows, concerts, fireworks, state fairs, Nascar races, etc. As more of these events go back to something resembling normal, the crowds, and the noise levels, are getting larger. But sometimes this can bring about problems. Let’s face it: you’ve noticed ringing in your ears after going to […]
Approximately two million workplace injuries are documented every year. Normally, we think of a hand caught in a piece of machinery or a flying projectile when we consider work-related injuries. But the most common workplace injury is far more pernicious and commonly goes unreported. It sneaks up on people very slowly over several years. The […]
Millions of years ago, the world was a lot different. This steamy, volcano-laden landscape is where the long-necked Diplacusis wandered. Thanks to its really long neck and tail, Diplacusis was so large that it was afraid of no predator. Actually, the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period is called Diplodocus. Diplacusis is a hearing affliction […]
Denial is a common first response. Surely, my loved one’s hearing loss isn’t as bad as it seems. She’s not old enough to need a hearing aid. Perhaps, it’s become a joke between the two of you. She is always requesting that you repeat what you said. You laugh about it like it’s simply a […]