If you haven’t had your hearing tested since you were in grade school, you’re not the only one, it’s often not part of a regular adult physical, and, unfortunately, we tend to treat hearing reactively instead of proactively. Fortunately, a professional hearing specialist can discover a wealth of information from a hearing test which can […]
In our younger days, food choices usually revolved around taste and instant gratification, with little consideration for long-term health implications. However, as older people, we’ve come to realize that what we eat significantly affects our well-being in surprising ways. Recent research has uncovered a surprising connection between poor nutrition and hearing loss, highlighting the profound […]
The typical summer day is likely filled with fun experiences and happenings, from motorcycle rides to family reunions to fireworks to sporting events. And while the majority of these activities are healthy, many can present hidden risks to your hearing health. That’s because loud noises, over time, can harm your ability to hear. This hearing […]
Motorcycle enthusiasts frequently cite the thrill of speed and the love for the open road as the driving force behind their enthusiasm. But this exhilarating hobby comes at a high risk of permanent hearing damage for individuals who ride a lot. An extensive study done by a prominent German automobile association in partnership with a […]
You scheduled a hearing test but you’re so busy it’s reasonable that you would have forgotten about it. Fortunately, you just received that reminder text from the clinic, and you still have time to prepare. But what kind of preparation should you do? While it may not call for an all-night study session like in […]
Summer is all about sunshine, relaxation, and plenty of social experiences. But enjoying these summer events can be a real challenge for people who have hearing loss. Don’t worry though, even with hearing loss, you can still enjoy summer fun. Get the most out of summer with these essential tips Here are seven basic tips […]
Did you know that high blood pressure can also increase your risk of developing age-related hearing loss? Age-related hearing loss usually starts to manifest in your 40s, 50s, or 60s. You probably won’t even detect your developing hearing loss even though it’s an irreversible condition. Usually, it’s the result of many years of noise-related damage. […]
Your entire life can be impacted by age-related hearing loss. Not only is your ability to hear impacted, but so too are your social connections, your professional networks, and even your mental abilities. Over time, hearing loss can profoundly impact the way your brain works in ways that directly impact your mood, your memory, and […]
It’s not unusual for individuals to have ringing in their ears, also called tinnitus. It’s one of the most common health conditions in the world with some estimates suggesting that up to 10 percent of the population experiences it at one point or another. The condition manifests as a sound in the ear that isn’t […]
Between hectic schedules and the distractions of events, it’s all too simple to put off important appointments, like those with a hearing specialist or for fitting hearing aids. You might not even get around to shopping for hearing aids whatsoever. But hearing loss impacts more than just your ears and holding off on treatment can […]