April 26, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
As you’ve been getting older, you’ve probably been trying to find ways to conserve your youthfulness. You’ve looked for it in your diet, exercise, and supplements. You’ve spent more money than you’d like to admit on wrinkle creams and hair growth products. You even joined a Yoga class. It doesn’t matter what your age, you […]
April 12, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
The first thing to do, when you begin to identify that you have hearing loss, is to avoid added damage. After all, you can take some easy measures to avoid further damage and protect your ears. Step 1: Clean Your Ears Remember learning to be certain you clean behind your ears when you learned basic […]
Anxiety is defined as a constant state of alertness. Enhanced alertness is a good thing when there’s a threat but some people get stuck in a constant state of alertness even when they aren’t in any peril. You may find yourself full of feelings of dread while performing everyday tasks. Your day-to-day life becomes an […]
March 29, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Generally, you don’t mind wearing a mask (or sometimes even two) when you go out. The only trouble is, sometimes it’s tough to hear what other people are saying. When you go to the supermarket or doctor’s appointment, the voices of cashiers and receptionists are muffled, even distorted. Quite often, you can’t make out anything […]
March 22, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Football games with Ted are the worst. He has the volume cranked up so loud the walls rattle, and you surely can’t tune in to the game. All you notice is the roar of the crowd pounding against your body, punctuated by the ear-shattering staccato of the announcer’s play-by-play calls. It isn’t in any way […]
March 15, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
As we get older, the chances increase that we will have to cope with hearing loss. Some amount of hearing loss is already affecting millions of people. Unfortunately, people dealing with hearing loss commonly wait seven years after the first symptoms show up before looking for help. Many older adults decide to dismiss their hearing […]
Let’s be clear: there are a number of ways that you can maintain your mental acuteness and ward off disorders like cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Remaining socially active is one of the most significant while engaging in the workforce appears to be another. Regardless of the method, though, treating hearing loss by using […]
Depending on where you live, all year can be allergy season. Allergies can range from mild to severe and can be brought on by everything from pollen to pet dander. Runny nose and itchy eyes are the symptoms that are most familiar and can be the first indication that you’re dealing with allergies. But more […]