January 31, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
It’s true, hearing loss can catch you by surprise. But occasionally, hearing problems bypass the sneaking completely, in favor of a sudden (and often startling), cat-like pounce. Here’s a hypothetical: You get up one morning and jump in the shower and when you get out you notice your hearing seems off or different. Maybe muffled. […]
January 25, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
You’re living with tinnitus and you’ve learned to adapt your life to it. In order to tune out the continuous ringing, you always keep the TV on. You refrain from going out for happy hour with friends because the loud music at the bar makes your tinnitus worse for days. You make appointments routinely to […]
January 18, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Want to show how much you care? Listen to your loved ones, truly listen. That involves, of course, the ability to hear. Studies reveal millions of people would benefit from wearing hearing aids because one in three adults between the ages of 65 and 74 have some level of hearing loss. Sadly, only about 30% […]
January 11, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
You’re supposed to use your hearing aids every day. But you’re also supposed to rinse out your milk jugs before recycling them. Sometimes, we don’t do the things we’re supposed to. The same goes for hearing aids. Occasionally we forget to take them with us. You may even forget to use it for more than […]
January 3, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
The human body has some fantastic and remarkable abilities. Scrapes, cuts, and broken bones are normally no problem for the human body to heal (I mean, sure, it takes a while, but your body can literally heal the huge bones in your legs and arms with little more than a splint and some time). But […]
December 28, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
If you have hearing aids, you should capable of hearing, right? When they aren’t working properly, it can be downright frustrating, it’s a total “You had ONE job” scenario. The good news is, with regular maintenance, your hearing aids should continue to function efficiently. Go through this list before you do anything rash. If it’s […]
December 21, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
The real problem with chronic tinnitus is not just that you have a ringing in your ears. It’s the continuous non-stop ringing, that’s the real issue. The constant noise, perhaps rather modest in volume, may begin as little more than an annoyance. But the ringing can become frustrating and even incapacitating if it continues for […]
December 14, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Researchers at the famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) may have cracked the code on one of hearing’s most mystifying mysteries, and the future design of hearing aids might get an overhaul based on their findings. The long standing notion that voices are singled out by neural processing has been debunked by an MIT study. […]
December 6, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Technology is developing into stronger, smarter, and smaller devices. Taking up less space while having more functionality is the overall trend. This is also true for hearing aids, and it’s not surprising. The world’s population is getting older and hearing problems, though they can have a number of causes, are more common among older people. […]
November 30, 2021 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
The saying “Music to my ears” may soon have a very different meaning for people dealing with hearing impairment. Researchers at the University of Helsinki and the University College London evaluated the effects of musical activities on hearing loss in children and the results of the study illustrated the impact and benefit received by exposing […]