September 7, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Because you’re so hip, you were in the front row for the whole rock concert last night. It isn’t exactly hearing-healthy, but it’s enjoyable, and the next morning, you wake up with both ears ringing. (That part’s less fun.) But what if you awaken and can only hear out of one ear? Well, if that’s […]
August 30, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Congrats! Modern hearing aids are an impressive piece of technology, and you’ve recently become the proud owner of a shiny new pair. But new hearing aid owners will wish somebody had informed them about certain things, just like with any new technology. Let’s examine how a new hearing aid owner can avoid the 9 most […]
August 23, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Are you going crazy with that tinnitus in your ears? Find out what causes tinnitus and whether you may have inherited it. Tinnitus, what exactly is it? A ringing, buzzing, or droning in the ears with no outside cause of the noise is a condition known as tinnitus. The word tinnitus translates to “ringing like […]
August 15, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Feeling more youthful can be accomplished in a wide variety of ways. However, one approach to staying young that isn’t usually talked about is to protect your hearing. For years, enhancing and increasing your life has been linked to a good diet and exercise. These practices also help you manage your weight and help prevent […]
August 1, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Hearing loss can be caused by numerous things and is usually very aggravating. There are some situations where hearing loss is related to a more serious underlying health condition and isn’t merely the result of aging or an injury. These are some hearing loss red flags you should watch for There are varieties of red […]
Everyone’s hearing loss condition is unique and hearing aids are designed to compensate for those individual conditions. Whether you are new to using hearing aids or have been using them for years, if your hearing aids give you headaches or any other type of pain, there is a solution. If your hearing aid is properly […]
Does it seem like your hearing aid batteries drain way too quickly? There are numerous reasons why this might be taking place that might be surprising. How long should hearing aid batteries last? From 3 to 7 days is the typical time-frame for charge to last. That range is pretty wide. So wide, in fact, […]
You want to be courteous when you are talking to friends. You want your clients, colleagues, and manager to see that you’re totally engaged when you’re at work. With family, you may find it less difficult to just tune out the conversation and ask the person near you to repeat what you missed, just a […]
You’ve been anticipating this all week: a Zoom call with your grandchildren. You’ll have a blast and get caught up with your beloved family members. But when you log in you realize, to your horror and frustration, that you can’t hear properly. You’re wearing your hearing aids but things still sound muffled. You can’t believe […]
Crackling in your ear? A condition called tinnitus can cause you to hear crackling, buzzing, whooshing, or other sounds in your ears. Here’s some info. Do you hear phantom sounds such as thumping, buzzing, or ringing in your ears? If this is occurring with hearing aids, it may mean you need to come in and […]