Motorcycle Riders Have a Higher Risk of Hearing Loss

woman on motorcycle with helmet on.

Motorcycle enthusiasts frequently cite the thrill of speed and the love for the open road as the driving force behind their enthusiasm. But this exhilarating hobby comes at a high risk of permanent hearing damage for individuals who ride a lot.

An extensive study done by a prominent German automobile association in partnership with a manufacturer of hearing protection solutions evaluated the effect of riding duration and motorcycle speed on hearing health. Alarmingly, at speeds of 62 or higher, for just 15 minutes, riders who don’t make use of hearing protection can suffer irreversible hearing damage.

Why do bikers get hearing loss?

While the concept of hearing loss might not come as a complete surprise, the primary culprit could. The biggest threat isn’t the roaring engine, contrary to the common belief, it’s really the wind. The research highlighted that although helmets provide critical protection during crashes, they fall short in safeguarding a biker’s hearing. Improvements to the helmet, like extra padding, vents, or weather stripping, do little to mitigate the wind noise swirling around the rider.

Motorcyclists are often affected by a condition called temporary threshold shift (TTS), which results from regular exposure to extreme noise levels. TTS is a progressive condition, which means the more you’re exposed to loud noises, the more intense the symptoms can get. People who are dealing with TTS might begin to detect that their hearing is less clear or other minor symptoms. But permanent hearing loss can, over time, be the result.

Comparing wind volume with other noise levels

To comprehend the severity of wind noise while riding, the German study’s findings are illuminating. At 62 mph, the wind around a biker’s head creates noise levels reaching 95 decibels (dB). For context, European Union (EU) law mandates that workers must protect their ears if exposed to noise levels exceeding 80 dB. Bikers are enduring noise levels up to 19% higher than safe working environments when riding at this speed.

And the noise level only increases as the speed goes up. Hearing damage can occur after only 7 minutes of riding at 74 mph which generates wind volumes of 98 dB. Other studies validate these findings, indicating that bikers are indeed at a significant risk of hearing loss.

Protecting your ears

Thankfully, safeguarding your hearing while riding is both easy and effective: use earplugs. Most people are familiar with the old standard earplugs, but hearing specialists recommend the filtered versions instead. Filtered earplugs are a more sophisticated model that filters out high frequencies like wind while allowing lower frequencies to get through. This means you’re able to hear essential sounds like sirens, horns, and human speech, which are vital for a biker’s safety.

Bikers are also able to get the full experience of riding without feeling isolated or cut off from the outside world which can’t be said for the old conventional style. With filtered earplugs, you can continue to enjoy the thrill of the ride while safeguarding your hearing from the damaging effects of wind noise.

It is possible to enjoy the thrill of speed and the freedom of the open road while still keeping your hearing safe from wind noise. The wind noise generated at high speeds can cause significant and permanent hearing damage in a really short time. But bikers can protect their long-term hearing while still enjoying the ride by simply making use of a set of quality earplugs.

Stay on top of your hearing health by contacting us to talk about hearing protection.

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