October 23, 2023 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Subtle changes in your ability to hear sounds can be hard to recognize because of how slowly hearing loss typically advances. Unlike children, who get regular hearing tests in school, adults seldom even think of scheduling an appointment. You wouldn’t disregard a decline in your eyesight, so why wouldn’t you keep track of the health […]
September 21, 2023 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Determining hearing loss is more complex than it might seem at first. You can probably hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. Most letters may sound clear at any volume but others, such as “s” and “b” may get lost. When you learn how to interpret your hearing test it becomes clearer […]
August 30, 2023 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Dementia and hearing loss, what’s the link? Medical science has connected the dots between brain health and hearing loss. Your risk of developing dementia is higher with even mild hearing loss, as it turns out. These two seemingly unrelated health conditions could have a pathological connection. So how can a hearing exam help decrease the […]
TikTok has some really awesome videos you’ve most likely watched. Babies hearing their mother’s voices for the first time after being fitted for a hearing aid. Sometimes, at first, the baby is resistant. They fight when the doctor tries to place the device in their ear. They could cry before they smile with joy. They’re […]
Denial is a common first response. Surely, my loved one’s hearing loss isn’t as bad as it seems. She’s not old enough to need a hearing aid. Perhaps, it’s become a joke between the two of you. She is always requesting that you repeat what you said. You laugh about it like it’s simply a […]
April 11, 2023 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Assistive listening devices and hearing aids can be used to treat the prevalent condition of hearing loss. But hearing loss is frequently ignored and untreated. This can result in greater depression rates and feelings of separation in those with hearing loss. And these feelings of depression and isolation can be increased by the breakdown of […]
February 14, 2023 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Hearing loss is difficult, if not impossible, to self-diagnose. To illustrate, you can’t really assess your level of hearing by merely putting your ear near a speaker. Which means that if you want to know what’s happening with your hearing, you need to get it tested. Now, before you start sweating or fidgeting anxiously, it’s […]
January 10, 2023 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
Bananas taste much different then they used to. There are rather different types of bananas being grown nowadays by banana farmers. Today’s banana can grow successfully in a large number of climates, are more resilient, and can develop faster. And they taste quite different. So how did this change occur without us detecting it? Well, […]
November 1, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
You’re bombarded by noise as soon as you arrive at the annual company holiday party. You can feel the pumping music, the thrum of shouted conversations, and the clattering of glasses. You’re not enjoying it at all. In such a loud environment, you can’t hear anything. You can’t keep up with conversations, you can’t hear […]
October 12, 2022 | Naples Audiology & Hearing Center
It’s difficult to comprehend but most people have gone over ten years without getting a hearing test. Harper is one of them. She goes to see her doctor for her annual medical test and has her teeth cleaned every six months. She even gets her timing belt changed every 6000 miles! But she always forgets […]